On the edge over booking your boudoir session? Let us tell you the top 4 reasons we think you should book the shoot!
Build your confidence
For me personally, I built my confidence through boudoir. Being a DV and SA victim on top of being plus size, I hated my body and everything about it. I stepped out on a limb and booked my first boudoir session and holy crap! The amount of love I gained for myself is mind blowing. I went from hating my body to falling in love with myself. Boudoir is a great step in building self-confidence because you start to see yourself in a different light. A lot of the time we get caught up in looking at ourselves in the mirror, but do we ever look when we are looking our absolute best or do we look when we've just got out the shower after a long days work? I know I judge myself after the shower when I am looking rough. However, with boudoir you are dressed to impress! You have your best hair style, make-up is flawless, you are wearing your absolute favorite outfits, and you look good, so good! Now take a look at yourself, the stretch marks look different, the things you hated before you start to love, you are glowing because you had an amazing time with your photographer and they made you feel special, heard, loved, and beautiful. You see yourself in a different light, a good light, a sexy light.

Do it for your spouse
Anniversary coming up? Spouses birthday? Imagine they open the birthday bag and pull out an album, they open the album and it is filled with you, you in the most intimate setting. You're dressed in their favorite lingerie, showing off their favorite assets (wink wink), making love to the camera with your eyes, once they look they can't stop. They are so shocked with how good you look, though they think you look good as you wake up in the morning, but there is something about the way you're glowing in the photos, seductive, beautiful, they are pleased! Now you just spiced up your relationship, I call that a win-win.
Pamper yourself
When is the last time you've done something for yourself? The kids always have somewhere to be, the husband/wife always has a task for you, work is always so demanding, when is the last time you've actually enjoyed yourself? In preparation for the photoshoot, you get to go get waxed and maybe even a mani-pedi, not required by the way but some clients make it an excuse to go all out! At the least, you will have a professional waiting for you to provide you with hair and makeup services. We will pour you a glass of wine or a mimosa, put on your favorite jams, make great memories and have tons of fun, which is #4 reason why you should book the session.

Boudoir shouldn't be scary, it should be a moment you remember for the rest of your life, and who to remember that with other than your best friends? At Elegant Exposures, we ask that you bring a couple of your lady friends as your hype girls. We will provide wine and mimosas and light snacks for your friends while you get ready and while we are shooting. Yes, they are allowed to stay during the session, with your approval of course. This makes your experience mean so much more, now you didn't just have a shoot alone but made a great memory with your favorite people. For a little extra fun, sneak in a pillow fight at the end!